Krize a naděje letničního a charismatického hnutí
1. BURGESS, S. M. (Ed.), MASS, E. M. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Pentecostal and
Charismatic Christianity, 1 edition, Routledge, 2005. URL:…duction.html
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2. GRADY, J. L. The Charismatic Movement: Dead or Alive? Newsletters
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3. PRASH, J. P. Pentecostal and Charismatic, Is There or Was There Any
Difference? Moriel Ministries, URL:…rismatic.htm
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4. McCONNELL, D. R. Jiné evangelium : historická a biblická analýza
hnutí Víry, Albrechtice : Křesťanský život, 1996, s. 185
5. ANDERSON, R. M. Vision of the Disinherited: The Making of American
Pentecostalism, New York: Oxford University Press, 1979.
6. WACKER, G. „The Functions of Faith in Primitive
Pentecostalism,“ Harvard Theological Review 77, No. 3, 1984. s. 355.
7. GOFF, J. R. Fields White Unto Harvest: Charles F. Parharn and the
Missionary Origins of Pentecostalism, Fayetteville, Arkansas: University of
Arkansas, 1988.
8. DAYTON, W. D. Theological Roots of Pentecostalism, Zondervan, Michigan,
USA, 1987.
9. HORTON, S (Ed.). Systematická teologie, Křesťanský život,
Albrechtice, 2001, s. 15–45
10. MENZIES, W. W. Annointed to serve: The Story of Assemblies of God,
Springfield, Missouri: Gospel Publishing House, 1971.
10 . CHRISTENSEN, J. M. (Ed.) WITTING, J. A. (Ed.) Partakers of the divine
nature, Hardcover, 2007, s. 217–231
12. Články víry, Členské závazky, Základní principy a Speciální
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13. SHERILL J. L. They Speak with Other Tongues, 40th ann. ed., Baker,
2003. (český samizdatový překlad, nedatováno, s. 35).
14. BURGESS, S. M. (Ed.), MASS, E. M. (Ed.), New International Dictionary
of Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements, Renewal (1901 – 2001), Thomas
Nelson Publishers, USA, 2001, 803–804
15. Assemblies of God Heritage, Vol. 8, No: 3, Fall, 1986.
16. GOFF, J. R. Fields White Unto Harvest: Charles F. Parharn and the
Missionary Origins of Pentecostalism, Fayetteville, Arkansas: University of
Arkansas, 1988, s. 57.
17. SHERILL J. L. They Speak with Other Tongues, 40th ann. ed., Baker,
2003. (český samizdatový překlad, nedatováno, s. 33–44).
18. GOFF, J. R. Fields White Unto Harvest: Charles F. Parharn and the
Missionary Origins of Pentecostalism, Fayetteville, Arkansas: University of
Arkansas, 1988, s. 63–86
19. Tamtéž, s. 71
20. Tamtéž, s. 86
21. Assemblies of God Heritage, Vol. 8, No: 3, Fall, 1986.
22. POWELL, P. Charismatic and Pentecostal Issues, What is Truth?
Christian Witness Ministries, URL:…truth28.html
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23. SYNAN, V. Heroes & Leaders, Pentecostalism – William Seymour,
Christian History Magazine, Winter 2000, Vol. XIX, No: 1, s. 17.
24. HOLLENGEWER, W. In ZOPFY, J. Na všeliké tělo… Křesťanský
život, Albrechtice, 1997, s. 18.
25. CLARK, J. William Joseph Seymour, The Ambassador, Journal Cyber
Newsletter, URL:,
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26. SYNAN, W. The Century of The Holy Spirit, 100 Years of
Pentecostal and Charismatic Renewal 1901–2001, Thomas Nelson Publishers,
Nashville, s. 58–59.
27. SYNAN, W. Heroes & Leaders, Pentecostalism – William Seymour,
Christian History Magazine, Winter 2000, Vol. XIX, No. 1, s. 17.
28. DAYTON, W. D. Theological Roots of Pentecostalism, Zondervan,
Michigan, USA, 1987, s. 21–22.
29. HORTON, S (Ed.). Systematická teologie, Křesťanský život,
Albrechtice, 2001, s. 21.
30. Tamtéž, s. 24–27.
31. GOFF, J. R. Fields White Unto Harvest: Charles F. Parharn and the
Missionary Origins of Pentecostalism, Fayetteville, Arkansas: University of
Arkansas, 1988.
32. HORTON, S. (Ed.). Systematická teologie, Křesťanský život,
Albrechtice, 2001, s. 503–537.
33. Tamtéž, s. 522–523
34. Statement 15: The Believer and Positive Confession In: Where We Stand,
The Official Position Papers of the Assemblies of God, Gospel Publishing House,
Missouri, USA, 2001, s. 131–144.
35. FORDSHAM, S. H. Smith Wigglesworth: Apostle of Faith, New Wine
Ministries, 1990 (český samizdatový překlad, nedatováno, s. 83).
36. PRASH, J. P. Pentecostal and Charismatic, Is There or Was There Any
Difference? Moriel Ministries, URL:…rismatic.htm
(download 17. 7. 2009).
37. HORTON, S. (Ed.). Systematická teologie, Křesťanský život,
Albrechtice, 2001, s. 21
38. MENZIES, W. Anointed To Serve. Gospel Publishing House, 1971, s.
39. HORTON, S. (Ed.). Systematická teologie, Křesťanský život,
Albrechtice, 2001, s. 24