Krize a naděje letničního a charismatického hnutí

1. Burgess, S. M. (Ed.), MASS, E. M. (Ed.): New International Dictionary of
Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements, Renewal (1901 – 2001), Thomas Nelson
Publishers, USA, 2001, 830
2. Oropeza B. J.: A Time to Laugh, Hendricson Publishers, 1995, s. 58
3. Menzies, W.: Anointed to Serve, Gospel Publishing House, Spriengfield,
Missouri, 1971, s. 325
4. Riss, R. M.: A Survey of 20-th Centry Revival in North America,
Hendricson Publishers, Inc. 1988, s. 121–124
5. Endtime Revival — Spirit-Led and Spirit-Controlled, A Response
Paper to Resolution 16, General Presbytery of the Assemblies of God on August
11, 2000 –…
6. Archer, J. K.: A Pentecostal Hermeneutic for the Twenty-first
Century, T & T Clark International, London, 2004, 105–110
7. Oppenheimer, M.: The New Ordwer of the Latter Rain, Their history and
legacy, Let Us Reason Ministries –
8. Menzies, W.: Anointed to Serve, Gospel Publishing House, Spriengfield,
Missouri, 1971, s. 322
9. Holdcroft, L. T.: „The New Order of the Latter Rain“, Pneuma: The
Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, 1980, 2 (2), s. 48–60
10. Menzies, W.: Anointed to Serve, Gospel Publishing House, Spriengfield,
Missouri, 1971, s. 322
11. Michael, G. M.: The New Charismatics, Zondervan Publishing House,
Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1992, s. 59
12. Oppenheimer, M.: The New Ordwer of the Latter Rain, Their history and
legacy, Let Us Reason Ministries –
13. Michael, G. M.: The New Charismatics, Zondervan Publishing House,
Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1992, s.
14. Riss, R. M.: The Latter Rain, Honeycomb Visual Productions,
Mississauga, Ontario, 1987 s. 60–61
15. Warnock, G.: The Feast of Tabernacles, The Church in Action, 1951
16. Riss, R., A Survey of 20-th Century Revival Movements in North
America, Hendrichson Publischers, Inc. 1988, s. 112
17. Hawtin, E. „How This Revival Began”, s. 3 in: Riss, R. M.:
The Latter Rain, Honeycomb Visual Productions, Mississauga, Ontario,
1987 s. 63
18. Holdcroft, L. T.: „The New Order of the Latter Rain“, Pneuma: The
Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, 1980, 2 (2), s. 46–60
19. Riss, R. Singing in the Spirit in the Holiness, Pentecostal, Latter
rain and Charismatic Movements, North American Renewal Service Committee,
A Paper Delivered at Orlando, July 28, 1995 –
20. Hawtin, G. R.: „Editorial”, The Sharon Star, 1. April, 1949, s. 2
21. Riss, R., A Survey of 20-th Century Revival Movements in North
America, Hendrichson Publischers, Inc. 1988, s. 115
22. Warnock, G.: The Feast of Tabernacles, The Church in Action, 1951
23. Holdcroft, L. T.: „The New Order of the Latter Rain“, Pneuma: The
Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, 1980, 2 (2), s. 46–60
24. Menzies, W.: Anointed to Serve, Gospel Publishing House, Spriengfield,
Missouri, 1971, s. 323
25. Riss, R., A Survey of 20-th Century Revival Movements in North
America, Hendrichson Publischers, Inc. 1988, s. 117
26. Paul, J., The Prophetic in Church history, Prophetic-School
MiniTraining Series, GodSpeak International 1998, Course 6 – Part 3: The
American Revivalists and the Latter Rain Prophets 1801–1948 AD –…6_week3.html
27. Menzies, W.: Anointed to Serve, Gospel Publishing House, Spriengfield,
Missouri, 1971, s. 323
28. Riss, R., A Survey of 20-th Century Revival Movements in North
America, Hendrichson Publischers, Inc. 1988, s. 114
29. Holdcroft, L. T.: „The New Order of the Latter Rain“, Pneuma: The
Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, 1980, 2 (2), s. 46–60
30. Tamtéž
31. Scott, Ch., „What is Latter Rain?“ kázání ze dne 14. února
1949, in Menzies, W.: Anointed to Serve, Gospel Publishing House, Spriengfield,
Missouri, 1971, s. 324
32. Tamtéž
33. Stringfellow, R. Pensacola: Latter Rain Deception, Banner Ministry,
34. Menzies, W.: Anointed to Serve, Gospel Publishing House, Spriengfield,
Missouri, 1971, s. 325
35. Tamtéž
36. Riss, R., A Survey of 20-th Century Revival Movements in North
America, Hendrichson Publischers, Inc. 1988, s. 121
37. Menzies, W.: Anointed to Serve, Gospel Publishing House, Spriengfield,
Missouri, 1971, s. 322
38. Endtime Revival — Spirit-Led and Spirit-Controlled, A Response
Paper to Resolution 16, General Presbytery of the Assemblies of God on August
11, 2000 –…
39. A Call To Charismatic Leaders, Statement from the Bawtry Hall
Charismatic Leaders Consultation, Registered Charity Number 1022698, 1996
40. Tillin, T.: New Things – Global Revival as the Key Element In
Deception in Twentieth Century Pentecostalism, Banner Ministry, Belper, UK,
1997 –…ewthing.html
41. Moriaty, G. M.: The New Charismatics, Zondervan Publishing House,
Michigan, 1992
42. Riss, R. M.: The Latter Rain, Honeycomb Visual Productions,
Mississauga, Ontario, 1987 s. 56–57
43. Riss, R., A Survey of 20-th Century Revival Movements in North
America, Hendrichson Publischers, Inc. 1988, s. 122–124
44. Cain, P. Latter Rain, kázání, Toronto Airport, May 28., 1995
45. Wagner, C. P.: „The Doc Responds“ Ministry Today Magazine Nov/Dec
2004 –…