Zpět na „Promise Keepers“
Promise Keepers, muži všech denominací, spojte se!
Poznámky a literatura
- Dallas Morning News, 27. 10. 1994, str. 7, in: “Promise Keepers, Ecumenical “Macho-Men” for Christ?”, Biblical Discernment Ministry, http://rapidnet.com/…gy/pk/pk.htm
- Cain P., poselství z 30. 8. 1995, Christ Chapel, Florence, AL
- McCartney B., in: Ryle J., A Dream Come True, Creation House, 1995, str. 8–9
- Tamtéž, str. 192–193
- Ryle J., dopis Lynn a Sarah Lesliovým, ze dne 29. 5. 1997, in: “James Ryle´s prophetic dreams revised”, http://www.hhidbey.net/…ns/james.htm
- Ryle J., Hippo in the Garden, str. 262, 291–292 in: “Cloud D., Promise Keepers laeader promotes prophetic dreams”, http://www.hhidbey.net/…sedreams.htm
- Tamtéž, str. 33–34
- Ryle J., A Dream Come True… str. 179
- Promise Keepers, Puropse statement in: “Promise Keepers, Ecumenical “Macho-Men” for Christ?”…
- Promise Keepers, Ecumenical “Macho-Men” for Christ?”…
- Očekával jsem velkou šou… Život víry, leden, ročník 10, 1999, str. 16
- Promise Keepers, Puropse statement in: “Promise Keepers, Ecumenical “Macho-Men” for Christ?”…
- Parsall S., “McCartney appeals for church donations”, The Denver Post, 20. 2. 1998
- Rawlings Ch. in: Los Angeles Times, 5. 6. 1995
- Promise Keepres, Catholics, and Mormons… Tohether, PsychoHeresy Awareness Letter, červen-červenec, 1995, str. 1–3
- Men of Action, jaro, 1996 in: Promise Keepers, Puropse statement in: “Promise Keepers, Ecumenical “Macho-Men” for Christ?”…
- Promise Keepers Statement, 12. 8. 1993
- Men of Action 6/95 a Reynolds M. H., The Promise Keepers Monement is Dangerous – Watch Out For It!, Foundation magazine, Vol. XVI, Issue 1
- Hayford J in: Charisma prosinec, 1995, str. 68
- Making New Catholic Men: Promisse Keepers gospel for guys, Our Sunday Visitor, 20. června, 1997, str. 10 – 11,
- Nový katolický katechismus in: Promise Keepers Changes Doctrinal Statement To Appease Catholics, Biblical Discernment Ministries, http://rapidnet.com/…promise1.htm
- Promise Keepers Changes Doctrinal Statement To Appease Catholics, Biblical Discernment Ministries, http://rapidnet.com/…promise1.htm
- The Tidings, 31. března 1995, in: “Promise Keepers, Ecumenical “Macho-Men” for Christ?”…
- Tamtéž
- McCartney B., Promise Keepers This Week, rozhlasová relace ze dne 31. 8. 1996
- McCartney B. in: Seven Promises of a Promise Keeper in: “Promise Keepers, Ecumenical “Macho-Men” for Christ?”…
- Men of Action, jaro, 1992 in: “Promise Keepers, Ecumenical “Macho-Men” for Christ?”…
- McCartney B., The Power of a Promise Kept, PK Konference, Oakland, 31. 8. 1995
- “Promise Keepers, Ecumenical “Macho-Men” for Christ?”…
- Christianity Today, 29. 4. 1996 in: “Promise Keepers, Ecumenical “Macho-Men” for Christ?”…
- Men of Action, zima, 1994 in: “Promise Keepers, Ecumenical “Macho-Men” for Christ?”…
- McCartney B., Stand in the Gap, shromáždění PK, National Mall in Washington D.C. in: Coals R. G., Promise Keeprs (PK) Assembly . “Stand in the Gap”, http://rapidnet.com/…pk/pkacc.htm
- Lucado M, Stand in the Gap…
- Men of Action, duben, 1995 in: “Promise Keepers, Ecumenical “Macho-Men” for Christ?…
- Men of Action, jaro 1992 a duben, 1995 in: “Promise Keepers, Ecumenical “Macho-Men” for Christ?…
- Men of Action, duben, 1995 in: “Promise Keepers, Ecumenical “Macho-Men” for Christ?…
- The Ambassador candidate booklet, str. 12 in: “Promise Keepers, Ecumenical “Macho-Men” for Christ?”…
- Tamtéž, str. 10
- Houston Chronicle, 29. 4. 1995
- Dager A., Promise Keepers Keeps On Keepeng, Media Spotligh, říjen, 1996, str. 6
- The Masculine Journey, The Robert Hicks – Promise Keepers Connection, http://rapidnet.com/…k/pk-tmj.htm
- Dager A., Media Spotlight, listopad, 1994
- Seven Promises of a Promise Keeper, dodatek The Power of a Promise Kept str. 4 in: “Promise Keepers, Ecumenical “Macho-Men” for Christ?”…
- Tamtéž, str. 10
- Ryle J., Concluision of “Sons of Thunder”, Harvest Conference, Denver, CO, listopad, 1990 in: “Widrig C, The Promise Kepeers Fax Scandal”, http://www.whidbey.net/…omisefax.htm
- Tamtéž
- Ryle J., Sons of Thunder, Morningstar Prophetic Newsletter, Vol 1, No 4, zima 1991, str. 23 – 29 a Ryle J.,The Sons of Thunder, http://www.dou-you-love.me.org/…thunder.html
- Ryle J., Charisma, únor, 1994, str. 14
- Randles B., otevřený dopis Billu McCartneymu in: “Widrig C, The Promise Kepeers Fax Scandal”…
- Chavis S., The Grant Connection, radioprogram, 1. listopadu 1996 in: “Widrig C, The Promise Kepeers Fax Scandal”…
- James Ryle´s comments on the Beatles, PK fax, 1996 in: : “Widrig C, The Promise Kepeers Fax Scandal”…
- Official PK Web: Questions, http://www2.promisekeepers.org/2aa2.htm
- Hicks T., The Masculine Journey: Understanding the Six Stages of Manhood, Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1993, str. 25
- Tamtéž, str. 99
- Tamtéž, str. 177
- Tamtéž… str. 55 – 53 [Our sexual problems only reveal how desperate we are to express, in some perverted form, the deep compulsion to worship with our phallus].
- Tamtéž, str. 181
- Tamtéž
- Tamtéž, str. 162
- PsychoHeresy, červen – srpen, 1996 in: The Masculine Journey, The Robert Hicks – Promise Keepers Connection…
- The Masculine Journey, The Robert Hicks – Promise Keepers Connection…